04 September 2008

in elementary school i would lie
about people that were related to me.
i'm sorry; aunt jemima isn't my mom's sister.

i'm most aware that i'm watching a movie
when actor is portraying a real person,
but for some reason when i watch the movie
selena, i feel like i'm watching selena,
and not jennifer lopez.

for most of may, i wanted banana split pie
from marie callender's, but i went there
the second day of june and it was already gone.
i hope that i get to eat some day.

life's a novel;
i read the spark notes.

03 August 2008

the more i read about richard nixon,
i start to think that maybe he wasn't as bad
of a guy as everyone makes him out to be.
but to be fair, i didn't know him.
so, i guess my opinion doesn't matter much.

i felt really cheated the summer after fourth grade
when i found out that you didn't need to buy
the actual mac n' cheese box in order to make 
macaroni and cheese.

my mom cuts the grass in my family,
but no one takes it as an aim at my father's masculinity.
we just all agree that for some reason
she really enjoys doing yard work.

i live my life in the loop.
that's not poetic;
i live inside 410.

this is just to say. 

24 June 2008

It's been a long time since I have written anything on this blog. The premise of this blog is going to change greatly in the next couple of days.

28 April 2008

On Tuesday I wore a green shirt. Not to say that I regretted doing so, but when I reached in my closet unaware of the color of shirt that I pulled out, I was in no way conscious enough to recognize that the day was Earth Day. I forgot, even though I had heard constant reminders, including a Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich commercial that probably could have made me turn green with disgust if I would have allowed myself to watch it in it’s entirety.
Needless to say, my green shirt was accompanied by many others who decided to show their pride for not only Earth Day, but a green planet that has essentially become the goal of true and poser environmentalists alike.
Shortly after turning sixteen, probably one of the first times I put gas in my gas, I was asked if I wanted to pay a dollar to support a cause and put on my name on a green ribbon on paper that would later be taped onto the glass of the store with the ribbons of others who had also donated.
And in case you’ve never noticed, the store clerk never tells you exactly what it is your donating. A few weeks ago, at a Valero a woman asked me if I wanted to donate my chain for “kids”. I said “yes”, and walked off with my change in my pocket, because after all I am someone’s kid.
However, that’s completely relevant to the green ribbon I bought. The green symbolized not a healthy environment, but rather a fund for farmers who were struggling. I obviously didn’t know this until I read it on the paper, but at the same time it wasn’t common knowledge for me to associate the color with striving for a better environment. And soon, the meaning will disappear again.
For 13 years in school, at the end of October, my classmates and I wore a red ribbon ignorant to what it really stood for. It’s a shame that I’m going to miss out on the Green Ribbon Week that will probably be implemented in the next couple of years. Of course, there is the high chance that this “green thing” will blow over by then after people realize how hard going green is, or that, to quote the originator of the idea, Kermit the Frog, “It’s not easy being green”.

15 April 2008

I’m not much of a baker. In fact, I’m not sure if I can come up with a list of more than three or four food items that I’ve baked successfully in my entire lifetime. Last November I came the closest I ever have, but I started out trying to make a pumpkin pie from a Rachel Ray holiday recipe and after it was done I was bombarded with tons of praise claiming that they “would have never guessed that they would like sweet potato pudding”. Anything that I have ever tried to bake involving chocolate comes out bitter. This is due to the fact that I use baker’s chocolate and choose to not add sugar because I make the assumption that the treat is already sweet enough with the excess amounts of chocolate, forgetting that the baker’s chocolate isn’t the least bit sweet. For me, my chocolate treats equals guaranteed bitterness. So naturally, this is the first thing that came to my mind when I heard Senator Obama’a comments on Pennsylvanian voters while in close company of a few upper-class San Franciscan potential campaign contributors. I’ve come to the conclusion that Obama is on what is slowly becoming a tour around the country to expose the real Barack Obama to the American Public. The tour was kicked off with the wonderful opening acts of his wife describing the “mean America” that she has only recently become proud of. Then, shortly after, we were all blessed to witness a cameo of Obama’s former pastor offering up his best substitute to where the national anthem would normally be heard. And now as the main event is starting, just in time for the primary on the 22th, we find the candidates beliefs that religion is clutch to all those racist gun possessing small town middleclass workers flustered with the economy. Barack presented himself early on as an exceptional baker, but its seems like the more we taste of the Change Cake, the more we realize that maybe Obama also forgot to add sugar. Warning: the final product may be a tad bitter.

08 April 2008

I want to keep this blog updated regularly and that was my goal when I starting posting on this new blog. However, I probably won't and I've come to terms with this truth. I'm sorry.

18 March 2008

“God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human” is a quote from one of the recent controversial comments of Barack Obama’s former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Not one of the lines that receive the most attention from the media, but for me personally the quote that struck me the hardest. And maybe the reverend is…right. I guess my ignorance to this point hadn’t allowed me to properly see the truths that he exposes in the weekly lectures to his congregation.

He's right. "God damn America for treating [us] as less than human.
God damn this country for giving us the opportunity to be able to build ourselves and our lives to whatever we want them to be. Damn a nation that allows us to speak openly, allowing people like Reverend Wright to speak freely of their feeling towards the state with only the consequence of looking completely ridiculous in the public’s eyes. God damn a county where a situation like this takes place and no talk of criminal punishment is brought up because he is openly allowed to voice his opinion and those who decide to listen to this are free to also, as well as profess their faith and assemble as a congregation in the way that they feel is fit. How dare a country give someone like Barack Obama, a child of Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, the ability to run for the highest office in the land. And to think, I thought that Mr. Wright was the one who failed to recognize these truths. Thank you for sparking these insights Mr. Wright. And to think all this time I’ve been treated “as less than human”. I can not even begin to imagine what being treated like a human must feel like. I can only hope that Mr. Wright will be able to enlighten me once again and try and describe it to me.

12 March 2008

When I was in third grade, I remember thinking that Hillary Clinton was Queen of the United States. I don’t know exactly where I got this from, but I think it’s rooted from jokes that I used to hear from Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live that I just accepted as truth. However, to this point I never really had any hard evidence to say otherwise. True, the United States was not a monarchy, but for some reason I don’t think it’s too farfetched to compare her to a monarch. For eleven years she served as the First Lady of Arkansas and then held onto the same title for our county eight more years. During this period of almost two decades, she greatly expanded and sometimes questioned the limits to which a woman with this title could operate. Eleanor Roosevelt, Barbra Bush, and Nancy Reagan all put forth positive efforts in the 20th century and not quickly to be forgotten, however more so than those before her Mrs. Clinton has demonstrated to be arguable the most self-motivated and dynamic first ladies in our country’s history. No other first lady has had such an active role in the central of public policy matters. She, more than those who preceded her, put an at times relentless effort to accomplish a personal designed agenda. And whether these qualities are good or bad depends on who you ask. However, for the first time, this woman who previously moved forward with a seemingly unstoppable force, looks like she’s finally getting her throne contested. If Obama ends up getting the nomination, regardless if he prevails in the general election, will be deprive the Clinton political machine the right to proclaim “Long Live the Queen”.

03 March 2008

2 years ago: condi v. gore
1 year ago:gingrich v. edwards
6 months ago: rudy v. hillary
today: mccain v. obama
tomorrow: probably somehow something completely different.

everytime i think i know exactly what's going to happen,
i prove myself wrong, but i guess that's the fun in it.

28 February 2008

I’m starting to believe that Mike Huckabee was one of those kids in high school that sat in the back of Algebra questioning how we’re going to use this in real life. I figure that must be the case because he consistently and is continuing to ignore the delegate numbers that paint his chances impossible.
Even Republicans reluctant to throw support behind McCain (the main reason for Huckabee’s close second place finishes) need to realize that Huckabee still in the race prevents Mr. McCain from launching a full fledge general election campaign. A Republican in the White House should be the goal of the GOP party at this point, not making sure that Pennsylvania feel like they play a part in the selection process.
I saw Huckabee on Saturday Night Live the other night and started to think that maybe the goal of his campaign has shifted to making himself a household name. If that’s the case, I think he may have correctly done the math.

20 February 2008

For the first time in my adult life I am proud of Michelle Obama. Without the aid of magic powder, wishing beans, or a hypnotizing pocket watch at the end of a gold plated chain has managed to persuade the American public to see past her anti-American attitude that she has displayed again and again.
On the Democratic side of the campaign, spouses have played a more important role this year than ever before. Any other election season it would be appropriate to label Mrs. Obama as a “spouse running mate”, however, with the Clintons in the race we don’t have that luxury.
At the same time it’s also true that beyond looking at the candidate for what they are, at some point it’s important to examine who will become our next first spouse. Cindy McCain has so far stayed in the background, Bill has been Bill, and Mrs. Obama has restrained herself enough from burning flags at campaign rallies.
If given Michelle Obama being the First Lady of the United States doesn't scare you in the least bit, maybe you haven't thought about it enought. Realize that along with the anointing of Barack Hussein we hand the throne to Queen Michelle I.

16 February 2008

forrest gump's mom said life is like a box of chocolates
and rightfully so, because i have a paper
that tells me which chocolate is which.

15 February 2008

“The griefs we cause ourselves cut deepest of all”

I bought the mix. I cracked the eggs. I mashed the flour and sugar. I even bought one for those plastic spoons that really aren’t spoons, but more like a knife without a point that are used for mixing. It was the first time I had made cupcakes. I poured the mix into the little individual cupcake napkin holders that I paid five dollars; solely because they had Dora the Explorer on them. After they were ready to be baked and I had preheated my oven to 350°F, I sat and waited for them to be ready. When they finally were, I used my dad’s oven-met in the style of a western Colt 45 pistol. I took them out and I ate them all. I couldn’t help it. My fear with making them was that everyone else would eat them and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy them. However, the opposite occurred. Yes they were good, but no one else got to see or taste them. The grief I caused myself was worse than could have been produced by anyone else.

12 February 2008

new blog. let's try this again.