15 April 2008
I’m not much of a baker. In fact, I’m not sure if I can come up with a list of more than three or four food items that I’ve baked successfully in my entire lifetime. Last November I came the closest I ever have, but I started out trying to make a pumpkin pie from a Rachel Ray holiday recipe and after it was done I was bombarded with tons of praise claiming that they “would have never guessed that they would like sweet potato pudding”. Anything that I have ever tried to bake involving chocolate comes out bitter. This is due to the fact that I use baker’s chocolate and choose to not add sugar because I make the assumption that the treat is already sweet enough with the excess amounts of chocolate, forgetting that the baker’s chocolate isn’t the least bit sweet. For me, my chocolate treats equals guaranteed bitterness. So naturally, this is the first thing that came to my mind when I heard Senator Obama’a comments on Pennsylvanian voters while in close company of a few upper-class San Franciscan potential campaign contributors. I’ve come to the conclusion that Obama is on what is slowly becoming a tour around the country to expose the real Barack Obama to the American Public. The tour was kicked off with the wonderful opening acts of his wife describing the “mean America” that she has only recently become proud of. Then, shortly after, we were all blessed to witness a cameo of Obama’s former pastor offering up his best substitute to where the national anthem would normally be heard. And now as the main event is starting, just in time for the primary on the 22th, we find the candidates beliefs that religion is clutch to all those racist gun possessing small town middleclass workers flustered with the economy. Barack presented himself early on as an exceptional baker, but its seems like the more we taste of the Change Cake, the more we realize that maybe Obama also forgot to add sugar. Warning: the final product may be a tad bitter.