For the first time in my adult life I am proud of Michelle Obama. Without the aid of magic powder, wishing beans, or a hypnotizing pocket watch at the end of a gold plated chain has managed to persuade the American public to see past her anti-American attitude that she has displayed again and again.
On the Democratic side of the campaign, spouses have played a more important role this year than ever before. Any other election season it would be appropriate to label Mrs. Obama as a “spouse running mate”, however, with the Clintons in the race we don’t have that luxury.
At the same time it’s also true that beyond looking at the candidate for what they are, at some point it’s important to examine who will become our next first spouse. Cindy McCain has so far stayed in the background, Bill has been Bill, and Mrs. Obama has restrained herself enough from burning flags at campaign rallies.
If given Michelle Obama being the First Lady of the United States doesn't scare you in the least bit, maybe you haven't thought about it enought. Realize that along with the anointing of Barack Hussein we hand the throne to Queen Michelle I.