28 February 2008

I’m starting to believe that Mike Huckabee was one of those kids in high school that sat in the back of Algebra questioning how we’re going to use this in real life. I figure that must be the case because he consistently and is continuing to ignore the delegate numbers that paint his chances impossible.
Even Republicans reluctant to throw support behind McCain (the main reason for Huckabee’s close second place finishes) need to realize that Huckabee still in the race prevents Mr. McCain from launching a full fledge general election campaign. A Republican in the White House should be the goal of the GOP party at this point, not making sure that Pennsylvania feel like they play a part in the selection process.
I saw Huckabee on Saturday Night Live the other night and started to think that maybe the goal of his campaign has shifted to making himself a household name. If that’s the case, I think he may have correctly done the math.